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“Reasons Why I Love Having A Baby Girl!”

“Reasons Why I Love Having A Baby Girl!”

Welcome back, friends! My precious daughter is turning one year old soon, and I was feeling emotionally inspired to do a blog post in her honor! Today's post is all about why I love having a little girl! (Boy and girl babies are very similar, but there are a few special things I've loved about having a little girl, and especially look forward to for when she's older!) Whether you're pregnant with a girl, have a little girl already, or are wondering what's all the fuss, you’ve come to the right place to find out why little girls are so special! :)

1. “Watch yourself grow up!"

From the moment my daughter was born, I couldn't help but imagine how my mother must have felt once she gave birth to me! I looked at my daughter and instantly, I saw myself! As she grows up and has new experiences, I remember each of my own! I love to do the special things for her that my mother did with me. It's like I'm experiencing my childhood all over again!

2. That sweet mommy-daughter relationship

There’s totally such a thing as being a "Mama's girl," and I'm eating it all up!! Seeing my little girl reach for me, and say, "Mama," in her squeaky baby voice melts my heart! She’s going through life, and I’ll be by her side to help her through it all!

I’m also looking forward to building that special deep mommy-daughter relationship that occurs long after little girls leave the nest! (I'm not saying boys can't be good communicators, or that all girls will be good communicators, but I often notice girls staying in better communication with their mother, and this excites me as we grow our relationship in the future.)

3. Having a constant snuggle buddy

I don't know if all baby girls are snuggle bunnies, but my little girl definitely is!! There's something about snuggling a little girl in your arms that just takes all your cares away! Are your girls more cuddly than your boys?? You tell me!!

4. Girl dates!

Not every date with a daughter has to be the stereotypical “trip to the nail salon,” although I'm sure those are fun! You can have adventures in all sorts of fun atmospheres to build memories that neither of you will ever forget! This precious, one-on-one mommy-daughter time spent together is really irreplaceable.

5. The lessons you get to teach…

Little boys are equally incredible, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes Dad has to step in to teach boys lessons on how to be men! With little girls...Welcome to “Mama’s territory!” You get to teach your daughter about all the topics you yourself may have struggled with, or could've used more help with in life as well as whatever passions you’d like to grow and instill in her! This may differ for everyone, but some of the things I personally can't wait to teach my daughter is how much God loves her, healthy body image, how to be a strong woman, purity, forgiveness, standing up for your beliefs, and for those that can't stand up for themselves, avoiding peer pressure, etc. I’m also excited to instill femininity while developing strength!

6. Seeing her with “Dada” will melt your heart

If you have a little girl, then you already know what I'm talking about! The moment her daddy holds her in his strong arms…cue the waterworks! The contrast is the absolute sweetest, and your hubby’s “hot” factor will shoot up to about a THOUSAND.

7. They only pee down!

Yes, this has to make the list! Having had a boy first, I was expecting pee to shoot up at me like it did with my son, but no, siree! With little girls, pee only goes down, and that’s something to get excited about!!

8. The adorable hair situation

Whether your daughter is born bald, or has a TON of hair like mine does, be patient, it will come, and when it does it'll be glorious! There are so many more accessories today than just your typical "classic bow!" There are headbands, headscarves, clips, turbans, cute beanies, and they don't have to all be HOT Pink, haha! If you're like me, you'll have neutral tones and muted colors that turn any basic outfit from drab to fab!

9. The diverse clothing options

The fun thing about girls is that they’re so diverse in fashion! They can easily wear anything, or any color, whereas boys are more limited. From leggings to overalls, jeans, skirts, dresses, etc., the opportunities are endless, so have at it! (Although boys clothes can be very cute, despite some contrary beliefs, cute girl clothes just seem to be more easy to come by, and that's one less headache for the parent!)

10. Being an instant role model

Have you ever wanted to be that role model for young girls knowing what “craziness” they have to deal with in this world we live in? Well, nows your chance!! With your own daughter, you can guide her through life, and set the example because her little eyes will be watching you as her “Mama,” and the key model in her life!!

I hope you enjoyed hearing why I feel having a little girl is so special! What do you love most about having a little girl?! I'd love to read your answers in the comments below! As usual, you can leave any future blog requests there as well! :) Until next time, have a beautiful day my lovely friends, and stay on the lookout on my Instagram (coolmomandcollected) for a special announcement regarding Thursday’s post! See you then!

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

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