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10 Things to Do Once Labor Starts For Your Home Birth

10 Things to Do Once Labor Starts For Your Home Birth

Welcome back, friends! Did you hear the news?! Baby #5 has finally arrived! You can read all about my most recent home birth story HERE. Today, I’m sharing my very own “to do list” (in no particular order of importance) executed once my labor started. Making this list helped me stay cool, calm, and collected…(See what I did there?)! I hope this helps any of you expectant mothers prepare for your labors as well! Enjoy :)

1. Read a “pep-talk” letter to yourself

Something new I did in the weeks leading up to my labor was write a letter to myself that I would open and read after my first contraction! I did this to hear the comforting and logical voice inside me encouraging myself that I could do this. (If you’ve given birth before, then you know that your “mid-laboring thoughts” differ greatly to your “non-laboring thoughts.”) This letter really set the foundation from the start of my labor. It soothed my nerves, reminded me of the important things to focus on once labor started, gave me confidence, and more. So, be your own best friend, and write yourself a letter!


2. Fill up the birth pool

As soon as I got my first back contraction, my husband started filling the birth pool. This ensured it would be ready for me to get in before baby came. (If you’ve had precipitous births, and 1 hour labors like I have HERE, then filling your pool right after first signs of labor will benefit you too!)

3. Set the mood

My husband and I purchased these electronic flickering candles, and placed them all over my laboring spaces. I can’t believe how serene they made the atmosphere, and how much relief they gave unlike the obnoxiously BRIGHT hospital rooms that I've experienced before. I wish I purchased these candles in my births prior, and the fact that I’ve continued to use them since makes them even more of a guilt-free purchase.

4. Call your “birth support team”

I always have a SMALL list of people to call/text once labor starts. It’s obviously very small considering labor and birth occur so quickly for me, and I need every second to focus on my breathing! (It includes my midwife, mother who comes to watch the children, and one, or two friends who have asked if they could pray for me once labor started.) What peace of mind it gave me to know others were praying on my behalf!

5. Put on labor underwear and nursing bra

Typically, my water never breaks until I’m pushing baby out, but since I was birthing at home, (and every labor can be different), my midwife advised me to put on labor underwear at the start of labor in case my water broke to prevent any mess. Wearing a nursing bra also made it convenient for nursing baby right after birth.

6. Apply jojoba oil

Why didn’t I think of this in my previous labors?! Since I get pretty intense back labor, I decided this time to apply and massage myself with jojoba oil at the arrival of my first contraction. (After my births in the past, I’d feel extremely bruised from the DEEP back massages that were meant to relieve me from my contractions.) By immediately putting oil on my back during labor, my husband’s hands glided effortlessly across my lower back, and soothed me. What a difference!

7. Drink water, and empty that bladder!

Once labor started, I filled my thermos to the top with ice water, and started drinking! (I’m currently obsessed with the HYDROJUG, and wish I had it for all my labors. BPA FREE, and keeps water cold, or hot for 24 hours! (It’s also the only jug I’ve been able to find that does NOT spill!!!! MOMS EVERYWHERE NEED THIS!)

All of my births have been unmedicated with no intervention, and I believe being well hydrated at the start of labor is a HUGE reason for that. My midwife also highly suggested that I empty my bladder during labor to allow for baby to descend easier. I think it was no coincidence that every time I emptied my bladder, I found my contractions would intensify, and I would progress quicker and quicker!

8. Use a contraction timer app

It can be challenging to keep track of your own contractions, but THIS CONTRACTION TIMER APP is a must for me! With this app you can keep track of every contraction throughout labor to see how you progress.


9. Focus on your birth wall

Having a wall dedicated to encouraging Scripture verses and phrases was of great help to me during my laboring process. It provided a wonderful visual of peace and focus leading up to my labor. You can both view, and find out how I created my birth wall HERE.


10. Set up your chuck pads

Given I was having a home birth, I knew I may birth in the birth pool, but it wasn’t a guarantee. (I wanted to feel prepared to birth wherever I felt in the moment.) So, once I went into labor, I spread out some chuck pads in various places where I envisioned possibly giving birth if the pool didn’t happen. They are great for catching mess, and leaks on the bed, or leading you into your shower. I even put a shower curtain liner I had hanging around onto my bed to help waterproof it in case of any mess! :)

11. Kickstart a show for the children

Since my previous labors and births have always occurred at night time, my prayers were that my children would sleep through them, and thankfully in the past they all have! However, I’ve always kept some of their favorite shows on hand just in case labor started during the day.

12. Breathe deeply, and worship

Last, but definitely not least, I immediately focused on my breathing once labor started. I created this WORSHIP BIRTH PLAYLIST, put my air pods in, closed my eyes, and focused on my Creator. Placing my focus on thanking and praising Adonai, even in the midst of the pain, changed the whole atmosphere for the better! I breathed deep, diaphragmatic breaths, and used horse lips to blow through my lips on my exhales. This helped my birth moved along quickly, and ended with me thanking my Savior, Yeshua (Jesus) after the birth!

I hope you enjoyed this list of things I immediately did once my labor started for my home birth with baby #5! If you’re an expectant mother, please comment down below any additional things you intend to do once labor starts. Happy birthing!

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

*EVERYTHING You Need in Your Postpartum Recovery Basket!*

*EVERYTHING You Need in Your Postpartum Recovery Basket!*

My Home Birth Story | Baby #5

My Home Birth Story | Baby #5