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I Tore My Hip | My Home Birth Story | Baby #5

I Tore My Hip | My Home Birth Story | Baby #5

“You can do it.” I spelled out these words of encouragement on the foggy glass door as I showered, not realizing it wouldn’t be long before I went into labor with my fifth child. If you've been here a while, then you may already know that this is technically my SECOND home birth...only this time, it was a PLANNED home birth, (and not a surprise home birth like my last one, haha!) If interested, you can read all about my previous FOUR unmedicated births below. Otherwise, grab a cup of coffee, and keep on reading!

First Unmedicated Hospital Birth

Second Unmedicated Hospital Birth

Third Unmedicated Hospital Birth

Fourth Unmedicated Accidental Home Birth

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The night before my due date, my husband fell asleep early on the couch. (This in itself made me a bit anxious because night time was normally when my labors started, and I did not like to feel alone.) Seeing his restlessness made me want to head to bed as well in case it was "the night we've been waiting for!"

As I laid my head on my pillow, anticipating what I thought would be another uneventful night, my 5 year old woke up in a night terror. Thankfully, it wasn’t long before my husband and I got her back to bed. With a second attempt, I laid my head down to sleep, and BAM....I got my first contraction. Not just any contraction…I got back labor! (In all my previous births the sure way I knew it was go-time was when I got back labor.) Immediately, a familiar rush of adrenaline came over my body, and my hands and thighs started to tremble. Somehow, I instantly knew that this response was a message from my body to my brain that THIS was the real deal! 

Peering upon my sleeping husband, I decided to call my mom who was an hour and fifty minutes away to tell her the news. I also notified my midwife of the possibility of labor starting. (In the past I always seemed to downplay labor signs to preserve my mental strength, but this time I wanted everything to be ready!) My midwife affirmed me in knowing my body, and encouraged me to use my contraction app timer to let her know when my contractions on the screen were occurring every 5 minutes. 

Side note: One of the best things about a home birth was knowing that I didn't have to rush to the hospital, leave my other children, or cross my legs until my mom arrived to grab my bags and sprint out! I could just relax, (if that's even fully possible during birth), and stay present during labor at home.

I woke my husband to tell him that I was pretty sure labor was starting. He sleepily rolled over and mumbled, "We better get some sleep then, come on.” I felt my face flush. "Nooooo noooo no," I replied. "I don't think you understand, honey...THIS IS IT! The midwife said that on my first contraction (since my last birth was an hour) you need to get up immediately, and start filling the pool!" That woke him up quick, and he got straight to work.

I had a whole regimen of things to do once labor started, and I included them all in this blog post! One of the things I did was immediately start chugging water, and staying focused on emptying my bladder. However, every time I sat down to use the bathroom, the contractions came even quicker and with more intensity!

Being that my previous four unmedicated births were chaotic attempts to make it to the hospital in time, I prayed that this birth would be a worship-filled one. My prayer was that I would be soooooo focused on worshipping my Creator, (the very Giver of the life inside me), that before I knew it baby would be here. I'd say that prayer was answered! The bulk of my labor was done on my own, swaying in my bathroom, worshipping with hands in the air, accompanied by deep diaphragmatic breathing, and horse lips on my exhales. Horse lips helped me ensure that I was taking DEEP breaths, and exhaling with equally full force.

Once my contractions came every 5 minutes, I called and asked my midwife to come. At this point, the pool was filled, and I felt the urge to get in. (I’d been saving the pool as something to look forward to, and a last resort for relieving my discomfort during labor.) I got into the half-filled pool, reclined back, and instantly, the warm water eased my muscles. Outside the pool, my husband sat behind me, and as always, started putting pressure on my back to distract me from the intense back contractions. As planned, I squeezed a comb tightly in the palm of my hand to help offset the pain. Having my birth playlist playing on my airpods, with the noise reducer activated, really kept me consumed in the mindset of worship. (We switched the worship music to the TV so my airpods wouldn’t accidentally fall into the birthing pool.) After some time, I opened my eyes. To my surprise my midwife had already arrived, and had been sitting only a few feet away from the pool.

This was the relaxing atmosphere I had prayed for. In between contractions I was having casual conversations with my midwife about our previous 3 years RV living, and then would calmly tell my husband that I needed his hands for counter pressure on my back when another contraction came. Before I knew it, I noticed the need to moan in a low voice, and knew the requirement to bare down and have this baby was not far away. 

When I felt my body start to push on it’s own, a bit of panic set in because I realized I didn't quite feel mentally prepared to push in water. My body had previously pushed babies out on it’s own, but never in water, and somehow the idea started to intimidate me! This was confirmed when I realized my pool was only half-filled, and my body (on hands and knees) could not get low enough under the water while pushing. I spread my body SO low, attempting to get under the water while feeling the need to push in the midst of contractions, but it was very uncomfortable. My husband pulled me up to hold on to him, and as I did come up on my knees I felt the baby’s head LOCK and LOAD. Almost instantly, baby’s head made its’ debut. Regardless of my body being half-in and half-out the water, I still felt my most uncomfortable burn to date while pushing babys' head out. I remember whispering to my husband, "Help me, help me, remind me to breathe, I need help." My husband calmly breathed deeply with me, reminded me to bear down, moan low, and encouraged me that I was so close. (I later learned I had torn my Labrum/Hip during the pushing stage. You can hear more about this in my Youtube video linked above.)

Can I just say that after 5 children my supportive husband is truly my secret weapon?! I’m so beyond thankful to have him by my side during labor, and couldn't do it without him! Once baby's head was finally out, I felt relief, but continued to eagerly "cough push" the rest of baby out! At 1:57am, on the day of my due date, (after around 10 min of pushing), I felt the ultimate release, and there I saw baby floating under the water! My husband picked baby up, and placed onto my chest. There was no immediate crying, but baby was looking around, eyes open, perhaps content from birthing in water? My midwife gently rubbed the back, and baby started to cry! All this time, keep in mind that I was saying with great relief, "Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus," about 1,000,000 times! I just couldn't believe I did it again, and our baby was finally here!!!! Thank you Lord! 

After about 10 minutes of us basking in pure joy, my husband and I had our midwife film, for our memory, us checking if baby was a girl or boy! We counted down from 3,2,1 and...A GIRL?!? HUH?! We double checked!!! We were truly surprised, and could not stop from laughing!! Everyone that we encountered, both strangers and friends, both invited and uninvited opinions told us that baby was going to be a BOY. (This includes the confident lady that patted me down prior to attending a hockey game! She told me she’s never been wrong, but I haven’t the heart to tell her that she was!) ;-)

Our children slept through the whole labor--another answered prayer. Shortly after, with slight pressure my midwife guided my placenta out, and ensured it was all there. (The pool water was still completely clear until she unwrapped my placenta, and all of the blood fell into the pool. We found that quite funny.) After cuddling baby in the pool, I decided my mother (who was on her way) likely wouldn't be too keen on seeing me (HER BABY) in the bloody pool! So, I gave baby girl to her daddy, and my midwife walked me to my shower. Another surreal feeling about an intentional home birth was knowing that EVERY person surrounding me and my new baby was a trusted and invited one. (In the hospital, you never know who you will get!) Also, who wouldn’t want to shower in their own shower, or sleep in their own bed after giving birth?!

When I got out of the shower I was lead to my bed in our peaceful and dimly lit bedroom. My mom arrived shortly after. Of course, we had told her the baby wasn't here yet. She almost fell over when she walked into our bedroom, and witnessed me with baby girl cradled in my arms! The rest is history!

What’s the moral of this birth story with baby #5? Our heavenly Father is so so good. He hears our prayers...even our unanswered ones. He’s strong when we are weak. He’s our refuge, and a very present Help in time of trouble. If you are pregnant, I congratulate you!! What a miracle! My advice to you would be to bring your labor to Adonai, the Creator of the very life inside you, put your trust IN Him, and no matter the outcome He will lead you to perfect peace. Happy birthing!

Cool Mom and Collectedly Yours,

10 Things to Do Once Labor Starts For Your Home Birth

10 Things to Do Once Labor Starts For Your Home Birth

Must-Have Worship Songs for Your Labor Playlist!

Must-Have Worship Songs for Your Labor Playlist!