How I Learned to Love Doing the Dishes!!
Hello there, Homemakers in the making! If you clicked on this post, then you're likely just like me: a Homemaker wanting to love doing dishes, but struggling just a bit. I've always wanted to be a Stay at Home Mom, and teach my children at home, but never anticipated the great discipline that’s required in keeping a home! So, bit by bit, I’m working to have more of a joyful heart for housework…and for the first time in my adult life, I've finally come to love, {even dare I say, treasure} doing the dishes! If you want to learn how, then keep on reading! :-)
1. Dress the part
Keeping up with dirty dishes can often feel like a full time job, and believe it, or not, a uniform can really help “play the role!” Put on a pretty apron, some cozy slippers, or maybe buy a plush floor mat since you’ll be standing for periods of time, and take your mark! I've had this apron for a decade, and in that time frame I’ve only worn it twice. I now wear it everyday when homemaking, even if I don't plan on dirtying my outfit! It's been a physical cue to the rest of my body {like putting on armor before a fight} that some serious “housework that truly matters" is about to go down! An apron is just a material thing, I know, but it helps me feel the part, and a sense of pride while doing chores!
2. Set the mood
Washing dishes has always felt like an obligation, or an inconvenience to me. It was just something standing in the way between me, and the next thing that I wanted to do! I never made a positive association to it because it never felt like a positive experience! However, at this stage of life, I've grown to be wiser! Now, there are certain things I ONLY do when washing dishes to make it more of a special experience! I do things like: light a certain candle, apply lavender oil to the back of my ears, play worship music, and jam out while I wash! I now have more to genuinely look forward to, and it becomes more therapeutic as I clean my dirty dishes in the sudsy, warm water.
3. Watch a YouTube video, or listen to a podcast
The great thing about washing dishes with your hands is that you can still multitask with your eyes and ears! I usually prefer to listen, or watch something “homemaking related” to grow in my homemaking craft! It reminds me that there are other women out there who see the value of taking care of their homes for their families, and that makes me feel more inspired, less alone, and like I'm doing something that matters! If that sort of thing interests you, I’m planning to add more of these types of videos to my YouTube channel HERE.
4. Don’t skimp on quality
I never thought of investing in quality products when it came to cleaning my dishes, but I now realize that it's a necessity! You would't go to a gunfight with a water gun, nor should you wash dishes in gloves from the Dollar Tree! (Been there, done that, and let me save you the trouble, Sister...a sharp knife WILL poke a hole through the gloves...every time).
There was even a time when I didn’t use gloves in an attempt to pinch pennies, and I despised doing dishes because the heat from the water made my hands SO DRY!! Investing in good quality gloves fixed the problem, and changed it into a positive experience! I can now safely enjoy the warmth of the hot water under good solid protection! So, go crazy! Get that name-brand, fancy sponge, expensive, natural dish soap, and those cool cleaning brushes! These are the tools that help you do your job, and do it well!
5. Scripture memorization/index cards
One of the best things I did to change my heart on the matter was to find, and memorize Scripture that encouraged homemaking, fruits of the Spirit, and other truths that I needed to be reminded of on the daily! **You can find Scriptures that encourage homemaking in my blog post HERE!**
I write them on index cards, and tape them above my sink. As I wash dishes, I read the verses over and over [either aloud, or in my head] that encourage things like a servant's heart. [The children pick up on this too which is an obvious perk!] This often leads to praying Scripture over myself and my family which essentially makes this spot in front of my sink more of a sacred meeting place with the Most High rather than a place for simple household task.
There's spiritual significance to the mundane tasks in a Homemaker's day...even when doing the dishes! Scripture keeps me focused on serving my family with a joyful heart, and grounds me throughout the day! It's a daily work in progress!
6. Picture the hardworking women before you
Growing up, I remember a lot of strong women in my life standing in front of their kitchen sinks, washing dishes. My mother, grandmothers, great grandmother...they all did it! They didn't complain, sulk, or resent [not that I'm aware of anyway!] They did, however, stay up late to wash them, and had many conversations with me, or other guests about life as they did them.
It wasn't until recently, after I had my third child, that the act of doing dishes really shifted for me. My mom was washing my dishes late at night after having babysat my two children for the past two days, and maintained my house after I'd just given birth in the hospital. In that moment, after all she had already done for me, I couldn't believe she chose service over selfishness!
I realized washing dishes was so much more than a mundane was a direct act of selfless love and service!! She was exhausted on her feet all day, but she still chose to serve me. That, to me, is the selfless heart of a seasoned mother who has disciplined herself to love. Now when I wash dishes, I stand in front of my sink, and picture the wonderful, strong godly women who stood/stand before me. Get lost in the old days, friends. Washing dishes connects you with those you love.
7. Minimize your dish-ware
Living tiny has resulted in owning less dish-ware, which has actually become a strong advantage. Less dish-ware means less dishes piling up in the sink, and less to clean! However, you don’t have to move into an RV to have less. Try downsizing your dish-ware, and see if you still find yourself as overwhelmed when washing the dishes. It definitely made a difference to me!
8. Let the dishes soak
I'm all for conserving water, but no one ever had any fun trying to scrape hardened lasagna off a plate from the night before, am I right?! I've found the job is made easier by rinsing each dish before placing it in the sink, or letting the dishes soak prior to washing in order to loosen all the grime. When my dishes soak in warm, sudsy water, it just feels right! :-) (I'd love to clean dishes-as-I-go, but as a busy mom of three, that can sometimes be tricky!)
9. See dirty dishes as an opportunity to serve
Homemakers: It may seem, at times, like no one sees the work that you do…things like doing the dishes in the early morning, or late at night. However, we know for sure Who does see us, and this should bring us great peace! When I changed the goal of my housework from "GETTING praise" to "GIVING praise," I realized an opportunity to worship the Father, and serve those I love, as a Homemaker, presents itself in each and every act! These acts of service all mean something, and the Father sees them all! More importantly, He sees our hearts, and so, may we do them joyfully!
“And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Master, and not to men.”
10. Prioritize your dishes first
Does anyone else's dirty dishes stare at them all day? You know exactly what I mean, right?! In the past, whenever I had a spare moment during the day, I would rush to scroll on my phone, and resent my dirty dishes for watching me do it. Now, in my spare moments, {when appropriate} I wash my dishes, and spend the rest of my spare time with a clean sink thanking me! If housework overwhelms you already, then I encourage you to do your most dreaded task first. For many of us, it's dishes! I find that it's not as intimidating a task as I thought it’d be when I give it priority, and myself ample time to get the job done!
Don’t get me wrong, sometimes doing the dishes at the end of the night just happens…and that’s OK too!
So, friends, I hope some of the ways I've learned to love doing dishes can be of an encouragement to you! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below!! (Careful, it looks a bit hidden sometimes.) The irony is that the one chore I've cringed at, and avoided doing most of my life has become like a therapy, and the chore that has taught me the most about selfless love! Happy dish washing!
Cool, Mom, and Collectedly Yours,