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Five Ways to Prep for a Stress-Free Vacation with Kids

Five Ways to Prep for a Stress-Free Vacation with Kids

Hi friends! I hope you're enjoying this beautiful Summer day! This time of year always reminds me of road trips with my family. Vacationing as a child was such a blissful time wasn't it? You didn’t have to worry about how much money you had, what you would eat, or where you would go; you just grabbed your favorite toy and duffel bag, and went along for the ride! Little did you know your parents were likely stressed out, and quite possibly going into debt just to give you a priceless childhood memory you'd never forget. Going on vacation today with kids doesn't need to be stressful! In the event you may be doing some traveling this Summer, here are my five ways to prep for a stress-free vacation with kids!

1. Make a Vacation Budget

Nowadays, it's so easy to slip into debt, but if you create a budget prior to adventuring, you will avoid debt, eliminate stress, and experience a sense of freedom in your spending! Here are the categories my family budgets for prior to our trip: flight, car rental, food, gas/tolls/parking, hotel (unless we sleep in a minivan), experiences, and miscellaneous expenses. We basically ask ourselves, "How much money can we afford to spend on this trip?," and then we price those areas according to the budget we've set. We use the "Every Dollar Budgeting" app (it includes a free option) to keep visual track of every penny we spend while on vacation to ensure we never go over! Usually.

2. Map it Out Beforehand

Unless you're staying in an all inclusive resort, it's great to do some research of the area beforehand to find out what’s worth seeing! First, we research any cities in the area that we want to visit, and then we create a list of fun options under each city: things we want to eat, see, do, etc. Last step is to mark our joined family google calendar with our destinations on each given day. Having options on hand allows you to make the most of your trip! Raining today? No worries, you have an indoor activity you wanted to do in the same area! With kids, every second counts, and the last thing you want to figure out is where you are going while your kids are whining and restless. Sound familiar?

3. Stock Your Car with Kid Essentials

Often times, parents pack the car with the minimum necessities for the day. I suggest packing the car FULL of diapers, dollar store activities to keep them busy, their favorite music, snacks, changes of clothes, pajamas, and toothbrushes. This allows you to explore until the very last moment, and make the most out of each day while avoiding a pitstop to Target. You can brush your kids' teeth, and change them into their pajamas in the car before returning to your hotel. Once you arrive, you then put them straight to sleep, and VOILA!…grown up time begins!

4. Search for Free Activities in Advance

When you have kids, especially multiples, everyday activities can add up in cost. There are often lots of free events in the area you are visiting if you just search online. It's as simple as googling "Free things to do in _____" or "Free events in _____." There are free parks, museums, street fairs, musical festivals, live music, and other surprising activities that can entertain you and your children! Free doesn't mean LESS fun!

5. Pack Minimal Toys and Clothes

It’s surprising how much you accumulate when you are packing for kids. There's the stroller, carseat, baby carrier...and those are just for transporting your kids around! You still need the diaper bag, snacks, vitamins, clothes, water bottles, blanket, toys, NoseFrida, sound machine, etc. You may not be able to avoid bringing your double stroller, but you can limit each child to one special toy, one book, and so forth. The fact is there will be so much your kids will be doing on your trip, they may not even touch the ten toys they begged you to bring. When packing for your trip, prepare two outfits per day in the event they dirty or wet their first outfit. Be sure to not over pack clothes though, especially if your vacation destination has a washing machine!

Well, there they are! My five ways to prep for a stress-free vacation with kids! Now, get out there and make some family memories!

I hope you learned something new today. What is your favorite tip to make vacationing with kids less stressful? Share it with me in the comments!

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,



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