5 Reasons to Start a Tiny Garden with Your Kids! — Cool Mom and Collected

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5 Reasons to Start a Tiny Garden with Your Kids!

5 Reasons to Start a Tiny Garden with Your Kids!

Hello friends, and welcome back to another blog post! It’s no surprise this world we live in teaches us, "If it's not BIG, it's NOT worth it!" Thankfully, our full time RV lifestyle proves otherwise! Would we love to have a big garden one day? Of course! Does that mean we sulk till "the day" we finally do?! I think not! Opportunities for cultivating beauty are all around us, and we’ve learned that even tiny things are capable of bringing BIG JOY!

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When I saw this tiny patch of weeds at our most recent RV site, the thought of a potential garden was almost crushed by the following thoughts:"It’s so small, whats the point?" "We'd be leaving in a few months anyway!" "We wouldn't stay long enough for the kid's to see growth." Then I realized, “We may not see the full reward, but the next RVer would!"

The idea of leaving a place better than we found it was enough to go for it! It was the perfect tiny scale project for our four year old and two year old to handle! Plus, having a tiny garden would still have big lessons and rewards!

Here are FIVE reasons why YOU and YOUR KIDS should start your own tiny patch of happiness:


1. Teaches responsibility

A lesson of responsibility can be taught no matter how much, or how little you have! Our tiny garden allows us to check up on the plants together daily, and water them. When it rains, we talk about how our heavenly Father is watering the plants so we can have a break! Oh, I love the endless ways we can daily share His love with them!

2. Builds independence

It's amazing to watch your young children pull weeds all by themselves, and dream of the possibilities of their very OWN garden!

My four year old son excitedly reminded me that this was his and his sister’s garden, but that I “could still help,” and that I could have the garden at the next RV park, (if there even is one), haha!

Fun fact: Our last RV neighbors, (who were also landscapers), gave us these flowers left over from a landscaping job of theirs! We really put them to good use in our tiny garden!

Fun fact: Our last RV neighbors, (who were also landscapers), gave us these flowers left over from a landscaping job of theirs! We really put them to good use in our tiny garden!

3. Gives kids something to be proud of!

Upon starting your tiny garden, taking “before” and “after” pictures not only builds memories, but reminds your kids of all the hard work they put into transforming the space! This tiny little garden is such a sweet memory for us all!


4. Affordability

We purchased garden decor, seeds for planting, shovels and rakes from the Dollar Tree! We also snagged some kid’s garden gloves off of Amazon!

We planted seeds together, and the kids can’t wait to see their growth! Can you spot the teeny tiny RV?! ♡

We planted seeds together, and the kids can’t wait to see their growth! Can you spot the teeny tiny RV?! ♡


5. Manageability

RV living has taught us: if we can train ourselves to be trustworthy with little, now, then we can become trustworthy with much, later! No shame in starting small to build great confidence and credibility, and the same manageable concept applies to a tiny garden!


I hope our tiny garden can grow BIG inspiration for you to see the potential in the tiny things around you that bring BIG joy! Have you thought about starting something BIG with the little you may have? Tell us about it in the comments below! Happy gardening!

Cool, Mom, and Collectedly Yours,

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