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Teach Your Child Piano for FREE at Home with Hoffman Academy!

Teach Your Child Piano for FREE at Home with Hoffman Academy!

Welcome back, friends! Today, I’m thrilled to share with you my go to resource for teaching my children piano at home for FREE! Allow me to introduce you to Hoffman Academy! As a busy homeschool mom of five who has NO musical instrument experience, I have been searching high and low for the best way to teach my children piano from the comfort of my own home. Trust me…I found it, and I have to share! To find out WHY you should try Hoffman Academy, keep on reading…

Use my affiliate link HERE to try Hoffman Academy for FREE, and support my blog! Use my PROMO CODE: LEARN for 10%off!

300+ Video Lessons with a Free Account

Yes, you read that right. ALL of the lessons are available for FREE. Hoffman Academy offers 300+ video lessons for FREE with a FREE account. The filming and audio quality is highly professional which allows your child’s attention to remain focused on the fun lessons! Each piano lesson is clear, engaging, educational, fun, and encouraging!

My 7 year old son started with the FREE version and immediately beamed with excitement and pride to have learned piano so quickly and have had so much fun. Contrary to other online piano lessons we’ve tried in the past, I was thrilled to see him enthusiastic and playing songs from his very first lesson! Not only can you go at your own child’s pace with Hoffman Academy, but you gain the convenience, versatility and stability of learning piano without having to leave your home. Win-win!

Affordable Option of Premium

I found undeniable value with the FREE membership, but quickly realized just how beneficial and affordable the Premium Membership would be that I couldn’t resist! The Premium Membership starting at only $20 a month is way more affordable than what it would cost for even one in-person piano teacher/lesson.

Premium features additional practice sessions, audio tracks so your child can easily practice new songs they’ve learned, unit books for staying organized and cementing new concepts after each video, (these resources can be printed individually after each lesson, or all together in a Unit Book for your convenience), 6 online games that go with the lessons and review piano concepts such as rhythm, notes, etc., a “store” of printable resources with 800+ items including printable games, sheet music, references sheets, worksheet, templates, manuscripts, and more! WHAT A DEAL!!! The Premium Membership has taken an area of expertise that I know nothing about (like teaching my children Piano), and has made me feel beyond prepared to tackle it! The additional resources that Premium includes have given my children countless activities to ensure their full understanding, confidence, and improvement!

Engaging, talented and fun teacher your children will love

I’ve used other online piano programs with teachers who sadly did not engage my child, create a joyful atmosphere, or even have the professional audio and filming quality it takes to really keep a young child’s attention. However, Hoffman Academy has all of the above and more! Not only is the teacher, Mr. Hoffman talented at piano and teaches ALL of the video lessons, but he is engaging, delightful, playful, encouraging, funny, and has many creative ways to teach to children and ensure the lessons stick! For instance, at the end of each lesson there is a surprise video by Mr. Hoffman and his “puppet friends” which my 7 year old son faithfully summons all of his siblings without fail to watch! My children have even asked if “Mr. Hoffman is real, and if we can visit him one day?!” I’d love to meet him myself, and thank him for his wonderful at home resource to teach children piano, and give us all a ton of confidence and fun!

I hope you enjoyed reading about the many reasons you should teach your child at home with Hoffman Academy! I have personally been blown away by this program, and even more so by all that the Premium Membership offers starting at only $20 a month! Give Hoffman Academy a try, and I truly believe you will not be disappointed! Please share this blog post and my affiliate link with a fellow homeschool mama who has also been searching for the best way to teach piano! Happy piano playing!

Cool, Mom, and Collectedly Yours,

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