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My Toddler’s Daily Creative Journal // Easy Homeschool Activity!

My Toddler’s Daily Creative Journal // Easy Homeschool Activity!

Hello there, friends! Thanks for coming back for another weekly blog post! Seeing the amount of mamas returning to my little side of the internet is such a blessing to me. Today I'm sharing my children's daily creative art, and writing journals with you all. It’s kind of hard to put into words what this journal is…because it’s so many things at once! It has helped develop my children’s independence, confidence, story telling, writing, and drawing abilities!


Here's what you'll need:

A simple sketch pad/notebook

Colored pencils, or crayons

Your child's imagination, and the freedom to be creative


So many times in motherhood, we see homeschool activities for our children requiring complex, and expensive materials we don't have. I'm happy to say that this project is easy and affordable! With just a little bit of structure and consistency, your child can have an activity turned “keepsake” that cultivates a whole lot of creativity and independence!


Here's how to do it:


1. Each day, your child will draw and color a picture from scratch...anything of their choice! [NOTE: This is NOT a time to tell your child WHAT, or HOW to draw/color. The freedom for creativity, storyline, drawing, color's all THEIRS! The only guideline is that they will complete just ONE page of their notebook each day.] If they ask for help, (as most children do), try to avoid helping them. Instead, practice instilling the confidence you have in them to do it themselves. After all…this is THEIR special journal! It can be a drawing of something silly, something they did that day, a story they made up, an object in the room, a drawing of their pet iguana...truly, WHATEVER THEY WANT!


2. Once they've drawn and colored something on their page, they can write something about it, (long, or short) on the same page! (If they are unable to write, they can dictate to you what they would like you to write for them.) I find this part very fun as they tell me WHATEVER they want me to write, and I write it! Some days they give me incredibly creative story lines, and other times they are just plain silly, and fun. I don't alter, or suggest. The stories are all theirs!


3. The last thing to do, which is a wonderful habit for any mother, is to DATE IT! Can you believe it?! You now have a creative writing, art journal, and a keepsake in the making! My children LOVE showing off the pages of their journals to their family and friends as we look at their drawings, and re-read their creations over and over again.


I hope you enjoyed this easy and affordable activity for your child(ren)! I've seen my children's creativity and independence flourish daily with this daily creative journal, and I believe yours will too! Happy daily journaling!!

Cool, Mom, and Collectedly Yours,

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