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Welcome to my little piece of the internet! I blog on faith, motherhood, homemaking, marriage, and more in an attempt to stay more cool, calm, and collected! Hope you enjoy your stay!

10 Healthy Habits as a Busy Mom of Four (with one on the way) in 2024

10 Healthy Habits as a Busy Mom of Four (with one on the way) in 2024

It’s great to see you back, friends! Today I'm sharing 10 healthy habits (plus a bonus habit) that I have in motion as a busy mom of four (with one on the way) in 2024. I hope it helps you question which areas may be lacking balance in your life, and which of these habits may add great value to you. Let’s get started!

*This blog post is not sponsored, and I purchased all items below with my own money! If you’d like to support my blog at no additional cost to you, you can click on, and purchase from any of the affiliate links throughout my blog. Thank you always for your continued love and support!


1. Waking up early

This is a habit I’ve been trying to avoid for the majority of motherhood. Can anyone else relate? Since we’ve trained our four children to stay in their beds during the very early morning hours, I've been spoiled enough to have had the option of resting, or even “sleeping-in” most mornings. However, it became pretty impossible to deny just how valuable the early mornings are for getting things done! I found myself trying to desperately play “catch up” throughout the day with personal, or homemaking related activities that just didn't seem to fit. The catch is...they DID fit. There was an abundance of untouched early morning hours just waiting to be utilized!


2. Exercising (at least) 15 min a day

This new habit came out of the realization that my body is worthy of being cared for in every season. I now see exercising as investing in my future self because staying fit is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. This is a way for me to give myself the same love and care that I aim to extend to everyone else.

How I exercise may look different at different seasons of my life, but for now at 26 weeks pregnant, it's free home workouts on Youtube with growwithjo. During most of my motherly years, working out was often inconsistent because I always set unrealistic goals; “Run a 5K everyday!” “An hour of cardio every day!” “Walking outside 3 miles a day” and so on. These were some of the previous goals I’ve set for myself as an already busy and exhausted mom of four. Can you imagine?!

I think my biggest revelation during this pregnancy has been that true consistency comes from setting REALISTIC and REACHABLE goals! I’m now THRIVING during my daily 10-15 minute dance party workouts 5x a week with an easy stretching routine in between! It’s been a win every time that boosts my confidence, as oppose to a discouraging failure!

3. Getting dressed every morning

For years, I believed that getting dressed as a stay at home mom was "optional." (Deep down inside, a part of me secretly wishes that it was, haha!) I now realize that (whether I like it, or not) I’m 10 steps ahead of my day when I get dressed first thing in the morning. An unexpected house guest shows up at the door? No problem, let em in! Fedex driver needs you to sign something? You're ready! Extra curricular activity sneak up on you? Lets go! Last minute play date? Count you in!!

Having a “uniform” really does make the dreaded step for some of “getting ready” way easier! I personally like to pair my everyday wear (usually leggings and a tunic) with my new no-tie linen/cotton apron linked above. It makes me feel like a “fancy homemaker” without having to wear a dress because if I’m honest…my personal style is far from being figured out! I also highly recommend this no-tie apron for preggo Mamas like myself because it doesn’t constrict a growing belly!

4. Prayer/Gratitude journaling every day

Prayer journaling is one way to deepen your prayer life, and it’s been a pinnacle of growing my relationship with my heavenly Father since my childhood! Writing daily to our Creator helps us focus in on knowing HIS voice, and building our communication with Him. Here is an encouraging blog post on realistic ways I prayer journal as a busy mom of four! The beautiful guided prayer and gratitude journal pictured above has helped me guard my time, and effortlessly record my thoughts in more consistent prayer time! It’s extremely sturdy, great quality, and an easy layout for recording prayers, reflections, and gratitudes!



5. Saying “goodbye” to late night binging

This is by far one of the best new habits I’ve made for myself! Food used to mindlessly fill/rule my day, and more so…my nights. I was nourishing everyone else with healthy meals throughout the day while I only ate to survive, and then played “catch up” at night time. My nightly consumption had no limit, structure, and nutrition. I was solely binging in the “peace and quiet” to ensure that "I ate something."

Now, I make sure to eat nutritious meals throughout the day, and do my best to cut eating off after dinner followed by a cup of tea, and a piece of dark chocolate, or a few dates. The amount of weight my body has let go of (probably in cereal-weight alone, haha) has been a wonderful relief! I wake up without bloating, or a stomachache, and that in itself creates a better start to my day.


 6. Reading more books

I used to think I had no time for reading books, and yet I had no problem binge-watching an entire TV series in a week's time! Funny how that works, right? It since became clear that I was indeed capable of reading booksjust not so capable of managing my time wisely. My idea of “relaxation” was defined as mindless television consumption, but I knew I was capable of more. Books offer us so much learning…an area I’ve too often neglected taking advantage of!

I was thrilled last year when my hubby surprised me with the Kindle Paperwhite I didn't know I needed! I created a new challenge for myself to read at LEAST one book a month, aside from reading at least one chapter of the Bible daily. This has helped me feel as if I'm constantly growing as an individual intellectually, spiritually, and creatively. I'm not personally a fiction reader, but if that interests you, then go for it! I’m more of a “self-help” kind of gal! You can find books I'm reading in 2024 HERE.


 7. Learning new hobbies

Just because we are moms doesn't mean our years of learning are over. In fact, the beauty of having young children to teach opens us up to countless opportunities to revisit old skills, and learn new ones. If you think you can no longer learn new hobbies, then CONGRATS…you've just believed a LIE! For instance, my first grader and I are both learning piano at home together at our own pace. In the past few months, I’ve picked up crocheting, water coloring, bookmark making, cross stitching, and more. I'm currently doing my first cross stitch from Stitch the Word, and it's been so much fun!


8. Disconnecting from my phone at night

Aren’t there enough distractions in life that compete for our attention? As it is, my phone is placed out of sight from my children during the day, but what about my nights spent with my husband? Do I want my precious time with the love of my life to be prefaced with my face pressed up against my phone screen?! I rather it be pressed against my husband’s face! ;) The only way to create this kind of quality time is to put an end to our phones playing “the third wheel!”


 9. Planning my days ahead

Is “planning one’s days” considered a form of self care?? Well, if sporadic days of non-productivity stresses you out, then the 10 minutes it takes to plan your upcoming day the night before is absolutely a way to care for, and set yourself up for success! Since implementing this habit, I have felt so much more focused, put together, driven, and productive in my day to day! I'm loving my new faith-based planner from Hosanna Revival linked in my recent blog post HERE!


10. Going to bed early

This is another habit I’ve been putting off until NOW. I’ve always embraced my love for being a self declared night owl. HOOT HOOT! Once my beautiful children lay their heads down at the end of the day, my nights come to LIFE with endless opportunities to cater to my personal needs.

My nights were FULL...full of un-productivity! It was like living a double life; One with responsibilities, and one with NONE. What it really did was create a poor lifestyle, and habits that left me drained with regret by morning.

While resorting to my “night owl ways” may still happen occasionally, (Hey, I’m only human!) my main goal is to give myself the rest I need so that I can wake up feeling ready to tackle another day!

and my Bonus Habit…


11. Taking supplements

As a busy wife and mom of four (with one on the way), I often forget to take care of myself. Four children in 6 years, paired with years of breastfeeding, and baby #5 on the way requires a lot of tender love and care during my pregnancy and postpartum seasons. Although good nutrition is my first priority, supplements are an area that I have lacked in, and I want to get better at covering my bases. Again, this is a small way to daily remind myself that I am worthy of being cared for even in the simplest of ways! You can find the current daily supplements I take HERE.

Do any of these 11 habits speak to you, or reflect an area of your life that you'd like to focus on? What are some healthy habits that YOU are starting to incorporate in 2024? Let me know in the comments below…I always respond!! Happy Habit-making!

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

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