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What’s in My Diaper Bag? [Mama of Two]

What’s in My Diaper Bag? [Mama of Two]

Hello again my beautiful friends! Hold tight, we're almost at the weekend! Today we're getting up close and personal...with my DIAPER BAG! I thought it'd be fun to show you guys what this mama of two carries when she’s “on the go!" I've used the Jujube BRB backpack diaper bag since the birth of my first child, and it’s worked great for me! I'm both a minimalist, and yet a prepper at heart, so if I carry something with me, it's because I either need it, or would be relieved to have it in a certain scenario.

Do you carry any of these items in your diaper bag? I'd love to hear what kind of diaper bag you're rocking!? Let me know in the comments below! Now, let's get into it.



Extra change of clothes & Ziploc bag

I always pack a change of clothes for my kids because accidents happen, and "Ain't nobody got time for that!" We keep a gallon zip lock bag on hand to put wet clothes in, or anything else that we fear may leak!

Variety of hair bands

My 11 month old daughter has had LOCKS of hair since she was born! I need to have hair band options at ALL TIMES for her to literally be able to see past it all! She’s currently rocking these nylon headbands! and these hair clips!

Diapers, Wipes, Changing pad

Of course, us moms have to pack diapers! Although my 2 1/2 year old son is fully daytime potty trained, I like to have diapers and wipes for him in case of long car rides during nap time, or last minute sleepovers if we’re feeling spontaneous!

Diaper Rash Ointment

Noone wants to open up their baby's diaper to a rash while out and about! This Boudreaux’s diaper ointment is the most wonderful cream I've used, and I've experienced very quick healing results! It starts relieving on contact, is 40% Zinc Oxide, and is free of dyes, preservatives, talc, and parabens!


Indestructible books

My husband and I are HUGE fans of these books because they are exactly what they say they are...INDESTRUCTIBLE. They’re chew proof, rip proof, nontoxic, 100% washable, and affordable!! In my opinion, they are a must have in every diaper bag!


I love having teethers on hand for my 11 month old who is currently teething. I found these adorable wooden teethers on Amazon, and I couldn’t resist! They are non toxic, and oh so cute!


Neither of my children take a pacifier, (and we prefer it that way), but in the event that my daughter is crying in the car on a long drive, I like to let her entertain herself with one of these BPA free Avent pacifiers!

Melissa and Doug Water Reveal Pad

I think this water reveal coloring pad is a super helpful item on the go that every parent should have! There's a built in pen that you easily add water too, and color the pages which are reusable once they dry! We use this in car rides, restaurants, waiting rooms, etc.

Book & Electronic toy

Having a book (that I rotate out) for my toddler that is specifically for outings works great for a quiet distraction when needed! Since we barely have any electronic toys in the house, whipping out an electronic toy in desperate times prevents even the largest of meltdowns!


Bibs and Smock

We love to keep this Ikea painting smock as a heavy duty toddler bib. It’s a pain to get your kid all ready to tackle the day, and then halfway through they completely destroy their outfit! This waterproof smock is super sturdy, and keeps him completely dry/mess free while eating!


I picked up a stack of these BPA free utensils from IKEA! I like to keep a designated fork and spoon on hand at all times to be ready for whatever snacks we bring (yogurt, applesauce, veggies, etc.)


Water bottle & Snacks

We NEVER leave the house without my son's water bottle and snacks! (It would be a rookie parenting mistake, haha.) So we'll grab a few snacks for “on the go!" Today, we have a Stonyfield yogurt pouch, and an orange! This Takeya stainless steel & BPA free water bottle keeps my son’s drinks insulated which is a huge plus!

Light Blanket

I used to love a good nursing cover, but then I became a pro at nursing while using a simple light blanket, and found it works just as good for just about everything! I also use it as a picnic blanket, carseat cover, bib when desperate, etc!


I love this Badger sunscreen mainly because it’s made of Zinc Oxide with 100% certified natural and 98% organic ingredients! This gives me great peace of mind! (I will warn you that because of its’ thick and white application [which requires blending]…a little goes a long way!)

Nail clippers

Ever been scratched by an 11 month old? If not, I'd like to introduce you to my daughter! One day we’ll clip her nails, and the next day she's like a raging lioness all over again! Having nail clippers on standby is a must for us!


For those dreaded boo boos, having bandaids on-hand (pun intended) makes it all better!


Last, but not least, here is a self explanatory list of my personal mommy gear!

  1. Hand sanitizer-because my germaphobic self can’t live without it!

  2. Wallet-for obvious reasons! $$$

  3. Earbuds-just in case I need to hear more clearly while driving.

  4. Hand salve-because dry hands are the enemy.

  5. Chapstick-because chapped lips are a direct relative to dry hands.

  6. Tampons-for any surprise visits from Aunt Flo!

  7. Peanut Butter Cliff Bars-because they are filling, delicious, and us moms don’t time to be HANGRY.

  8. Pen-for those quick jot down, or “need to quickly sign a birthday card” moments lol!

  9. Hair band-because “mom hair" on a good day can be cray cray!

  10. BITE Lipstick -(my all time FAVORITE lipstick made with natural and organic ingredients!!)

  11. Ray-Ban Justins- these are technically my husband’s glasses, but in marriage—>what’s yours is mine right?! :-)

  12. Cell phone-because it’s 2020!


I hope you enjoyed this “inside look” of my diaper bag! Yes, all of this fits in my diaper bag WITH room to spare. If there's anything you think I should include that would make my life easier, I'd love for you to let me know in the comments below! I’d also love to know, “What's one of your diaper bag essentials that you COULD NOT live without!?” I’ll think on my answer, and leave it in the comments below! Have a wonderful day!

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

I’m a member of the Amazon Affiliate Program, and purchasing through my links may include affiliate links that benefit me in a small way, and mean a whole lot! Thank you for supporting me! :) Laura

I’m a member of the Amazon Affiliate Program, and purchasing through my links may include affiliate links that benefit me in a small way, and mean a whole lot! Thank you for supporting me! :) Laura

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