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Welcome to my little piece of the internet! I blog on faith, motherhood, homemaking, marriage, and more in an attempt to stay more cool, calm, and collected! Hope you enjoy your stay!

We're Moving into an RV Full Time, and Here's Why!

We're Moving into an RV Full Time, and Here's Why!

Happy Monday, my beautiful readers, and welcome to the blog! Notice anything different on today's post?! That's right, my family of soon-to-be five and I are moving full time into a 36ft travel trailer starting August! Raise your hand if you think I'm joking, haha...I'm not! :-) We're beyond excited for this new change and pace of life that we've been considering for a bit now! I recently shared the news on my Instagram @coolmomandcollected, where I'll be sharing our whole transition to RV life, along with my Youtube channel where I'll be making a thorough Q+A on the topic, vlogs, rv lifestyle, reno updates, etc! There were many reasons we came to the decision of living in an RV full time, but for my lovely readers here on the blog, I wanted to especially expand on five reasons why!

1. Less stuff, more family

Let's be honest, today's world is continuing to progress towards buying things, things, and more things! It's so easy to accumulate item after item which can often take you away from family, and experiences with loved ones. We're so excited to be selling the majority of our belongings to focus more on cultivating relationships with the people around us. As a mother, I want my children to always choose "people" over "stuff," and living a more minimal lifestyle will only help enforce that principle! When you live in a smaller space, you tend to venture outside more, and that fits exactly the type of family we are!

2. Less restriction, more adventure

Being on wheels means seeing more, adventuring more, and traveling more! My husband and I used to feel restricted to travel because hotels were always so expensive on top of all the other travel fees. On past vacations, we even slept in our minivan for weeks at a time just to be able to experience more! Now, we can just bring our home with us wherever we go, and eliminate that larger financial pressure while traveling.

3. Less debt, more savings

Can I get an "Amen?!" Don't worry, I heard you! :-) This one's self explanatory! Less space, less things, less cost, less maintenance. Buying and living full time in an RV for us is cheaper then rent, and cheaper then buying a traditional house. Sure, a house doesn't depreciate in value as an RV does, but that's why we went the USED route, and will be selling it for at least something once we're done! It allows us the ability to pay off more debt, and to focus on savings! Of course, with new adventures comes new expenses, but in the long run it is the smartest financial decision for us, and the cheapest one!

4. Less cleaning, more living in the moment

I don't know about you, but I'm in a two bedroom apartment right now, and I'm struggling to keep up. Always cleaning, always vaccumming, always wiping...It's inevitable! However, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that a smaller space will take a quicker time to clean, and boy am I looking forward to that?! As a stay at home mom, I don't want my back to face my children as I spend the majority of the day keeping up with chores, and home maintenance. I want to have less to clean so I spend more time living in the moment with my kids, and less time missing it!

5. Less instability, more HOME.

My husband and I have moved ten times in almost 10 years of marriage. We've experienced apartment living, to living with family, to home ownership, and none of those places with stable addresses ever felt like our HOME. There was always a level of uncertainty, or "what's next" because we love adventure, and felt a bit restricted. We never loved the idea of "settling," but we've always craved "stability." Strangely, for the first time in a long time, I think we will finally feel AT HOME in our 36ft RV of all places! RV living gives us the security of having a stable and consistent home while still providing the opportunity to adventure at the drop of a hat! I love this feeling of limitlessness and mobility that is hard to find otherwise!!

I hope you all enjoyed hearing some of the reasons we’re SO excited to be moving into an RV full time! I hope you'll follow our journey here on my blog, on my Instagram (coolmomandcollected), and on my Youtube channel, "Cool Mom and Collected!" I'd love to hear in the comments section what else you'd like to see from me during this new exciting chapter of life, and I hope it can inspire you to move more towards your dreams, however BIG or small! :-)

Cool, Calm, and Collectedly Yours,

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